Hi, I’m Brittinie!
I’m a Certified Health and Wellness Coach…
My journey began early on in my adolescence. When my parents were getting a divorce, I turned to sports in middle school and high school as my mental escape and my oasis from home. As the oldest of three, I felt that I was constantly the mediator between my parents while trying to protect my siblings. I would spend hours outside, shooting hoops in the driveway, because it was my own “get-away” with nobody pulling me in every direction.
I joined the United States Air Force right after high school as an intelligence analyst. On March 2, 2011, one of my friends was shot in the head by an Islamic extremist. I truly believe that was the beginning of my Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) because supporting missions in the Middle East was my daily job, and when the shooting happened, it officially hit home. A year later, my husband (fiancé at the time) deployed to Afghanistan, supporting small bases throughout the most dangerous provinces with the Army. There were times that I wouldn’t be able to hear from him. One specific morning, I went into work and was briefed that a small base was attacked and six Americans were killed. My husband was at that base, and it was several days since I heard from him. My heart was in my stomach. Because the information was classified, I couldn’t talk to any of my friends and family about it. The first thing I did after receiving that information, I asked my supervisor to go to the gym. I got onto that treadmill and ran. I ran faster and faster until my anxiety and nerves calmed down. That’s when I acknowledged what working out did and will continue to do for me mentally and emotionally.

Because I knew what it did for me, I wanted to share that feeling with others. I became a Physical Training Leader (PTL) at my first duty station, so I organized physical training sessions, and helped people pass their physical fitness tests, which are required by the military. During my time in the military, what started as a hobby quickly evolved into something more significant when I realized my desire in helping individuals achieve their fitness goals. As I started doing more and more sessions and training on the side (after being certified, of course), I decided to get out of the military and make health and fitness my new career.
It wasn’t until my son was born when I hit another mental health obstacle: post-partum depression. My hormones would take over my emotions and I would just cry. One day, my son was in his rocker, and a lullaby was playing. I looked at him and didn’t feel like he was my son and I completely lost it. I went to the bathroom and couldn’t stop crying. I didn’t feel like myself, and I didn’t like what I was feeling. I even looked at myself and would hate how I looked, despite knowing that I just gave birth to a beautiful baby boy. Because I have a C-section, I couldn’t start a workout regime right away, so I opted to start taking daily walks to get my body moving.
As a veteran and mother, I dealt with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and Post-Partum Depression, and I always used working out as my way of coping. I started my business because I knew what health and fitness did for me, mentally and physically, and I know what it can do for others.
My personal mission is to empower all women through fitness and nutrition by helping women gain their confidence back, improve their overall quality of life, and promote self-care. I do this with a strong commitment towards personalized service and individual attention by providing the best information and services through fitness, nutrition, and accountability. My transformation programs will provide you all the tips and tools needed to transform your health and wellness from the inside, out. If you are ready to transform your life, email me at [email protected] for a consultation.
My vision is to help women ditch the “all-or-nothing” mentality, as long as they do “something”, and to continue to create sustainable lifestyle habits. I believe people get too caught up if they are not able to complete a full one-hour workout or eating healthy for a full day that, in return, they ruin their progress because they already believe they “messed up”. It is natural for us to either want a quick fix or the fastest way to results, so we try pills or the next new thing that guarantee “quick results”. I want to continue to educate individuals through posts, emails, and courses on how to create a sustainable lifestyle by utilizing daily habits through fitness and nutrition. I want to transform their lives.
I am a firm believer that being healthy is just as mental, as it is physical, so I will continue to share my journey in hopes that it comforts other women, dealing with the same internal and external obstacles.
The very first thing that I do when talking to a potential client is to go over their goals and their why. Once they tell me their goals, I will ask their “why”. This is important for me, so I understand their motivation as well as a way for me to remind them of their “why” when obstacles come their way. This also allows me to connect with them on an emotional level, which I believe is the foundation of a strong and solid relationship. I want my clients to feel they have a supportive and non-judgmental environment to thrive in their health and fitness goals.
I encourage my clients through steps and commitment. Beginning a new health and fitness journey can be intimidating. The last thing that I want my clients to feel is overwhelmed with new changes. This is why I always break down my client’s routine into steps that feel manageable and doable. Every step is progress and should be celebrated. If my client feels overwhelmed with a new exercise, I break down the position and movement until she feels she conquered the exercise. Even with healthy habits, I break it down into steps. For example, including protein and healthy fat in every meal, eating more fruits and veggies, eating more whole foods and less processed foods, getting enough water, and eating in moderation. No matter what their goal is, whether it’s losing weight, gaining confidence, or joining the Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI), I am committed to seeing my clients dominate their goals and conquer life.

NUTRITION CERTIFICATION – National Academy of Sports Medicine